Mitcham Health is a multidisciplinary facility located at 444 Mitcham Road in Mitcham Victoria, 50 metres from the railway station and bus interchange. Onsite parking is available. To arrange an appointment, call the number of the service you require.

Currently there is an increased demand for appointments. *Because of this we have disabled the online query form features on our website.

Carmel has closed her bookings and waitlist for new clients due to having reached capacity.

 â€‹Please speak to your referring doctor or consider other services at this time.


Clinical Psychology Carmel Moran 9873 4157

Clinical Psychology
Carmel Moran
9873 4157

Podiatry Nick Pongho 9874 1300

Nick Pongho
9874 1300

Audiology Alison Hennessy 8838 0456

Alison Hennessy
8838 0456

Myotherapy Clint Anderson 0407 003 337

Clint Anderson
0407 003 337



444 Mitcham Rd
Mitcham, Victoria



At Mitcham Health Centre we are closely monitoring the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and taking precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. Our primary concern is the safety of our clients and the community.

We are very aware of hygiene practices and ask each client who comes in to hand sanitise upon entry.

All practitioners are regularly using hand sanitiser. We are also disinfecting surfaces, pens, EFTPOS machines etc. and maintaining very high standard of cleanliness at the practice. 

We do ask that people reschedule their appointments if they have any signs of colds, coughs, sore throat, respiratory issues or flu to ensure that all clients and staff remain well.

We request that you do not attend your session if the following apply:

  • you have developed a fever, cough and other flu-like symptoms

  • you have recently returned from overseas less than 14 days ago and have not self-isolated

  • you have been diagnosed with COVID-19

  • you have been in close proximity with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19